

[Chen-u-ei Ts’ai]

is a second-year Computer Science
Ph.D. student, advised by Szymon Rusinkiewicz
at Princeton University. 



cc4880 at princeton dot edu

  • Chenyue Cai is a second year Ph.D. student at Princeton University, advised by Prof. Szymon Rusinkiewicz. Her research interest is in computer graphics and she is currently focusing on the creation of fine 3D assets. Before joining Princeton, she got her B.A. degree in Math, Computer Science and History of Art at UC Berkeley. She have worked with Prof. Hao Li on virtual human and virtual try-on. She was a teaching assistant for Computer Vision and Computational Photography and worked with Prof. Alexei A. Efros. In general, she is excited about visual computing and elegant methods.
  • Apart of the academics, Chenyue is also interested in startups and business. She believes in connecting the dots and making a difference. She served as the vice president of ACE and worked as venture scout. She have multiple startup experiences. She is open to talk about any “crazy” ideas.
  • Aside from these, Chenyue love visual art narratives. She is fond of the intersection of science and art; how technology shapes artistic creation and how art opens up the imagination for science. She studied European Avant Garde Art under Prof. Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby and Chinese Art History under Jun Hu. She is awarded Samuel Silver Memorial Award for her contribution in connecting algorithm and art history analysis. She serves as one of the organizers of Art of Science Exhibition at Princeton. She is an artist and art critique herself. Her work has been featured in Moffitt Library Art Selection. Check out the Gallery to see some of her works.